Remembering Nick

We have created the following sections to share how we have been remembering Nick through the first year of firsts.  Sections include:

  1. The visitation
  2. The memorial service
  3. Outpouring of support in the fall of 2013
  4. Our first Christmas without him
  5. The 6 month anniversary of his passing
  6. The first mother’s day
  7. His first birthday without him (7/8/14)
  8. The first year anniversary
  9. Monument and grave site

Pictures from the Visitation

Memorial Service at Church

Fall 2013 Support 

We had a tremendous outpouring of support from the students and faculty as Nick’s school.  They were all significantly impacted as well, but we wanted to showcase some of their expressions of love and sadness in fall 2013.

Our first Christmas without him – 2013

We knew that we couldn’t go through the usual routines and traditions without him.  So, we packed up our stuff and headed to San Antonio, TX.  It was a nice trip to get away from everything at home, but still a pretty empty Christmas experience for us.

<Photo’s coming soon>

6 Month Anniversary of Nick’s Passing – 4/22/14

Here’s what we did and what we thought and felt at the 6 month anniversary on 4/22/14 (from Eric’s perspective and what he shared on Facebook).

“Sure do miss my curly headed buddy today. I can’t believe that it’s been 6 months since I saw him last. Some days seem to drag on forever, but we’ve managed to survive these past 6 months and looking back, it seems like it was only yesterday. That gives me hope that the time won’t seem so long until we see him again. And that hope of seeing him again is what keeps us moving forward.

We went out to eat at one of his favorite mexican restaurants tonight, Jose Peppers. They were handing out free helium balloons, so the girls all got purple ones. We came home and each wrote a note to Nick and tied it on to one of them. Then we added in a glow stick and a large balloon that looked like a giant snail. Then we released it into the night sky from our driveway and watched it soar up until it only looked like a faint star in the sky.

We used to always call him a slowpoke or snail when we went on family hikes because he would always bring up the rear. Sadly, in this case, he is leading the pack, but one day we will catch up and all be reunited again. Until then, we feel certain that he received our notes and knows how much we love and miss him.”


The first mother’s day – 5/11/14

Well Nick, it’s my first Mother’s Day without you here. It is not an easy day to get through, but our Heavenly Father’s comforting Holy Spirit, your dad and sisters have been really thoughtful and wonderful. As well as many of our friends and loved ones. I thought since you’re not here to write me a note today that I would write one to you. 

They say a mother’s love is like no other and I definitely agree. I was the first one to hear your heartbeat, to feel your fluttering movement in my belly. To care for you, feed you, teach you, watch your little curly headed self grow into such a handsome young man. The bond of a mother to her child is truly like no other on this earth.

I ask myself, how does a mother stop mothering? I know I’ll always be your mom, but it’s so painful to not be able to mother you anymore. I had so much more that I wanted to do, teach, experience with you. Relationship advice, friend stuff, teaching you to drive, high school and on to college and so much more. It’s almost too hard to think of missing out on your wedding, a new daughter, grandchildren. How can I bear it?

You already know the answer. The only way to bear it is to lean on the one who has saved us from being doomed to an eternity of separation from Him and each other. The one who has given us hope for redemption. I can barely even begin to comprehend the fact that you’ve met and talked with our Savior face to face. I just can’t wrap my mind around that. No matter whether I can fathom it or not, I do believe that I will also have that same opportunity to meet and walk with my Lord.

Nick, I love you more than I can fully express. I miss you with every beat of my heart and will continue that way until my heart stops beating and I am ushered into the courts of Heaven. I am so proud to be your mom. I am immeasurably grateful for the years that I was granted to be your mom while you were here. I look forward to the day that will begin our time in eternity together.

Love,  Mom


His 16th birthday without him (7/8/14) and his birthday celebration (7/11/14)

<Coming soon>


The one year anniversary of his passing – 10/22/14



Monument and Grave site – 10/18/14

The cross monument was set this week at Mound Grove Cemetery in Independence, MO.  We will bury his ashes in the coming weeks.